Calling all non-singers!!!!!!!!
A common misperception about singing is that one must have a good voice to worship. Even some artists who are not vocalists share this misconception.Since they don't sing well as the "worship team," they don't fully engage in corporate worship.
I can't help but noticed that during a retreat or even on cell group meetings, a handful of people would be hanging out in the back and when you invite then to join and come nearer for worship, they would reply good-naturedly. "I'm sorry but singing is my thing or I might just ruin the worship for everyone else!". I can certainly relate to this reticence. Though I am an artist and I can follow a tune, there have been several occasions when I feel like singing is not for me. I can get so frustrated when I do my private worship and I am unable to sing the song that I like beautifully:-( And so I was relieved when I learned that God doesn't care what I sound like.He looks at my heart, not the quality of my voice.
Fortunately, worship is not confined to those who have beautifully trained voices. Scripture invites all of us to sing, shout, or make a joyful noise unto the Lord (Psalm 35:27; 66:1;81:1;95:1-2;98:4;100:1) I can't sing that well, but I can certainly shout or make a "joyful noise". While those upfront leading worship are expected to have good voices, the rest of us are off the hook. So DON'T HOLD BACK YOUR WORSHIP; BE VOCAL, LET IT RIP! :-)
If you love the Lord and you are grateful for all He's done for you, sing His praises at the top of your lungs. That's the spirit behind Psalm 13:5-6 : "But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for He has been good to me." Psalm 89:1 adds: "I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known though all generations."
Remember, it's not enough to feel affection for God. As Psalm 66:8 points out, worship must be made audible: "Praise our God, O people, let the sound of his praise be heard."
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