During our bible story, we talked about the lame man at the pool that Jesus healed. I find it so funny and cute listening to kids answers as to what happens to them when they are sick, one girl kept on saying, "i'm not sick teacher", She just couldn't grasp why we kept on talking about "being sick" when she is not sick at all. hahaha :-)
22 February, 2009
Sunday School
During our bible story, we talked about the lame man at the pool that Jesus healed. I find it so funny and cute listening to kids answers as to what happens to them when they are sick, one girl kept on saying, "i'm not sick teacher", She just couldn't grasp why we kept on talking about "being sick" when she is not sick at all. hahaha :-)
21 February, 2009
Her Character: She is courteous and well-mannered; she is popular for her cheerful personality; she is in tune with nature; she cares for others and shows it; is willing to aid others in their trials; she is very good-looking;knows how to bring out the best in everyone;she grows in all she does; a teacher, a trainer, with gifts mainly of prophecy, administration and teaching.
Her Sorrow: She has no kids yet until today! hahaha She finds it sorrowful not to apply her gifts to her own kids as she still does not have one at the moment.
Her Joy: That inspite of being single since birth, the Lord made her purpose in this world very clear. And that is to serve him through perfroming arts and to teach and train God's people; to inspire them and bring out the best in them.
Her Story: She got saved when she was 11 years old and God's hand was upon her since then. She served as one of the jeepney captains at Sumulong Baptist Church and was doing bible study for kids in squatters area every Saturday. At 3rd year high school, she started teaching in Sunday School, joined the drama team and was appointed one of the leaders for SUMAYA Youth ministry; eventually she joined Voices of Glory Quartet and the Praise Team of SBC. Several years later she bacame the Sunday School director and handled a couple of DVBS(Daily Vacation Bible School) and also became one of the board of directors for Breaking Point International. Then she also got affiliated with 2 external ministries for drama; YESHUA and STAIRS. In 2003, the Lord gave her the vision of starting her own Drama Ministry and that's when ACTS(Artists called to Serve) was born. Her vision and aspirations as an artist of God is still very evident even while she is in Singapore preparing for a higher calling.
Ana, as a teacher and servant of God continues to experience God's presence in her life. She is a woman of passion and she longs for the day when she will have her own business that will glorify God and continues to spread the gospel through performing arts. (coming very soon! and my story has not yet ended; Praise God!)
Her Promise: That she will not let anything bind her devotion to God! No rules or restrictions. No past mistakes or sins. No life situations that she can't overcome. She will not let anything get in the way of worshipping her God and recognizing her Saviour and that she will serve Him until He comes!
Her Legacy: (well, this is somehow what I want to be remembered when I'm gone!:-) A woman of passion who would continue to spread the word through performing arts. A woman who will never stop learning; finding creative ways to share to other people how much Jesus loves them.
20 February, 2009
17 February, 2009
16 February, 2009

14 February, 2009
(someone I didn't really expect to remember me kasi ang layo ko! But the Lord is really full of surprises, I was happy he remembered:-) pero hanggang duon na lang 'yun.Bow!
For the longest time I have been wanting to perm my hair and now that I got the chance, I did it! I pampered myself by going to the parlor and I had my nails polished and my hair permed.
I also bought 3 new blouses and another dress for office.What an excuse to spend! weeeeehh!!!!
Anyway, I had work today so I didn't get to join the Single's activity at botanical garden but I catched up with the single ladies for dinner eventhough I was so tired already.
Well, new look for 2009! It's time to try new things!
05 February, 2009
Day 4 - Trip to Malaysia
cute ng monkeys no?
there's a lake where people can swim and do water activities
pa-cute lang! hahaha
Third and last stop was the beach area for sun-bathing and swimming. I enjoyed the water but I was devastated when I saw someone doing para-sailing. I have been wanting to do that since August of last year and I inquired from our hotel if they do offer that and they said they didn't. Waaaahh, when will I ever have my turn??? :-(
710 meters above sea level
Our adventure didn't end here. My gosh, the most stressful part was going back to Singapore because our connecting flight from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore was just an hour apart. Air Asia was delayed for a few minutes but the worst thing that happened was that, our luggage were delayed! I had Jade run to Tiger Airways counter to inform them that we have arrived but might checked in late due to our luggage. We ran and ran and ran but by God's grace, we made it on time!
We were very tired when we got home and man, the next day our whole body was aching! waaaahhh!!!!
PS> I have made a video of our cable car experience. Watch this at http://www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=803fdbacf1cadcee6b485a&skin_id=601&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=text_url
04 February, 2009
Day 3 - Trip to Malaysia - LANGKAWI Island
the view infront of the resort
We went to Cenang beach and we were very disappointed that the water is not clear! booo!!!
After the beach, we went to visit the nearby shops to get some souvenirs!
nice hotel no! mukhang OLOPPS nga lang! hahaha
At dinner we took more pictures of the resort. It was really a very nice place and the food was great too!!!